Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 11

1. What does Maeda call the 3 keys?
- 1: Away - More appears like less by simply moving it far, far away
- 2: Open - Openness simplifies complexity
- 3: Power - Use less, gain more
2. Describe how you have used these in your work towards UPHERE? Give at least
one example of each key.
-In my opinion i haven't used any of these "keys", because in my works i tend to make them look more complex than simple, because i tend to fill the canvas.
3. Describe an incident in the production of UPHERE where technology has been an
enabler…. and another where it has been a disabler!
- Enabler -
- Disabler - Google Docs because of technical problems to do with sharing documents amongst other students
4. At this stage in the exhibition process you are all working on some element or
process for the big event. List 3 things (in your current project) that you could
take away to simplify and one thing you could add for meaning.
- If we were to take away pressure to finish the works in time, the amount of time left until the exhibition than making my works would become more simple, giving me more time time improve y works visually.

1 comment:

  1. You say you haven't used any of Maeda's keys in your work. I have seen your illustrations and I find it hard to believe that you have not used some of these keys.

    Surely the use of computers and the technology around you has been an enabler Nathan, what about the tutorial we did with the field recorder?

    Still need to answer question 4 Nathan. What if you were to take away the time pressure of getting this finished, would that make it easier to complete or would the project come to a stand still?
