Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Week 12

As a group we all searched a new invention that changed technology and we came up with Virtual Gaming, Wireless Energy and 3D TV. Once we all found one we had to choose only one to present to the rest of the class we decided to choose 3D TV.

This is the video we presented to the class:

In my opinion, the ad's aim was to make the viewer believe that after watching 3D TV nothing looks the same because it gives the viewer the feeling that they are really there.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Week 11

1. What does Maeda call the 3 keys?
- 1: Away - More appears like less by simply moving it far, far away
- 2: Open - Openness simplifies complexity
- 3: Power - Use less, gain more
2. Describe how you have used these in your work towards UPHERE? Give at least
one example of each key.
-In my opinion i haven't used any of these "keys", because in my works i tend to make them look more complex than simple, because i tend to fill the canvas.
3. Describe an incident in the production of UPHERE where technology has been an
enabler…. and another where it has been a disabler!
- Enabler -
- Disabler - Google Docs because of technical problems to do with sharing documents amongst other students
4. At this stage in the exhibition process you are all working on some element or
process for the big event. List 3 things (in your current project) that you could
take away to simplify and one thing you could add for meaning.
- If we were to take away pressure to finish the works in time, the amount of time left until the exhibition than making my works would become more simple, giving me more time time improve y works visually.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week 10

Using UPHERE as an example, describe an aspect of your work or something
you have worked on, where you have found a symbiotic relationship that is both
complexity and simplicity
- My book "Memoir of a Survivor". It's simple and complex at the same time, because the book is in the form of a journal it is very easy to write because you don't have to worry about explaining the major details, but complex because you need to put enough detail in for the reader to understand what is going on.
Provide a conceptual example of a situation that has arisen during this project
where you have had a return on failure?
- Again, my book "Memoir of a Survivor". Being able to write it in a way for the readers to understand the way the character feels.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 9

Provide an example of a situation where you have to have trust – in the same
vein as the author in his swimming lesson example. What made you trust in this
situation and how did you feel?
- Being in the passengers seat of a car, you have to trust that the driver knows what they are doing and that they won't put you in danger.
Where in our exhibition do we need to instill trust? Give examples. How are we
going to achieve this?
- Trust each other, hand out food
What strategies are used to instill trust? Examples? Where do we need to employ
this in uphere? How are we going to do this?
- Act confident,
If you could “undo” any aspect of the preparation for the exhibition to-date, what
would you “undo”? With this in mind, what would would you change now in your
preparation strategy to overcome having to “undo” anything?
- Go to an exhibition opening so we can get a rough idea on what we are

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 8

When Maeda uses the “Feel, and feel for” principle, he is drawing on peoples
connection to a very personal experience: feelings. List 3 ways that would make
use of this principle to visitors of your exhibition.
- Territory Feel, Dress Formaly (not thongs,etc.), Make them feel welcometo the exhibition
What is animism? Why do you think the “Tamagocchi” craze of the ‘90s became
such a craze? How can you apply this to your exhibition?
- Animism: the attribution of a soul to plants & inanimate objects. Tamagocchi was such a craze because people could buy won, in doing so they could raise a virtual pet without actually taking full responsibility for it, eg. you could leave it for a week and come back and it would still be alive, the only thing that would have changed is it would have a hungry/food symbol on the screen.
Name 2 products that you have purchased that gave you that feeling of “Aichaku”.
What feelings did those products evoke? Was it the feeling that sold the product
to you?
- I can only think of 1 thing that i have bought that has given me the feeling of “Aichaku” and that is my computer. I grew up using my computer, and it was my source of entertainment, so in a way i have become attached to it. I didn't have these feelings for it until after i bought it.
How do the references to emotion relate to the simplicity/complexity relationship
discussed in Law 5 - Differences

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Week 7

1.  What does the word ENTROPY mean and why is this relevant?
- Lack of order or predictability.
2.  If you are attuned to everything around you, does it help you deal with what is in front
of you and why or why not ?
- Yes, it helps the whole picture
3.  How is this different from FOCUS ?
- When you focus on one point before you see the whole picture you can miss things that are important
4.  Being “comfortably lost” is a balance between what 2 feelings?
- Happy, Lost
5.  Describe a recent scenario when you found yourself to be “comfortably lost”. Did you
enjoy the sensation?
6.  If you couldn’t hold back the urge to write on the “don’t write on this page” page – what
would you write?
- I wouldn't write anything, simply because its a book i paid for, i bought it to read it, not to write in, also it says "do not write on this page", so i won't.

 White Hat thinking

This covers facts, figures, information needs and gaps. "I think we need some white hat thinking at this point..." means Let's drop the arguments and proposals, and look at the data base."

 Red Hat thinking

This covers intuition, feelings and emotions. The red hat allows the thinker to put forward an intuition without any ned to justify it. "Putting on my red hat, I think this is a terrible proposal." Ususally feelings and intuition can only be introduced into a discussion if they are supported by logic. Usually the feeling is genuine but the logic is spurious.The red hat gives full permission to a thinker to put forward his or her feelings on the subject at the moment.

 Black Hat thinking

This is the hat of judgment and caution. It is a most valuable hat. It is not in any sense an inferior or negative hat. The rior or negative hat. The black hat is used to point out why a suggestion does not fit the facts, the available experience, the system in use, or the policy that is being followed. The black hat must always be logical.

 Yellow Hat thinking

This is the logical positive. Why something will work and why it will offer benefits. It can be used in looking forward to the results of some proposed action, but can also be used to find something of value in what has already happened.

 Green Hat thinking

This is the hat of creativity, alternatives, proposals, what is interesting, provocations and changes.

 Blue Hat thinking

This is the overview or process control hat. It looks not at the subject itself but at the 'thinking' about the subject. "Putting on my blue hat, I feel we should do some more green hat thinking at this point." In technical terms, the blue hat is concerned with meta-cognition.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 6

Describe the relationship between complexity and simplicity.
- without complexity there wouldn't be simplicity/ you cant have simplicity without having complexity.
What analogy does Maeda use to demonstrate this relationship?
- A child who eats ice-cream 3 meals a day will eventually get bored.
In what context does Maeda discuss rhythm / beat in relation to the fifth law
Contextualise this relationship and discuss how
In your blog write a short description of each of the 6 hats

"Data Hat" the hat of information and data, contemplates information in a neutral and unbiased way.

"Intuition Hat" is the based on your personal experiences, feelings & first perceptions.

"Critical Hat" is the hat of negativity, it is based on why ideas won't work, potential risks and weaknesses.

"Positive Hat" is based on ideas through an optimistic point of view, possible solutions.

"Creative Hat" looks for patterns in ideas, synthesise the infromation and and find similarities.

" Practical Hat" ensures that the all aspects of the topic are covered.